Sustainable production
Responsibility for the environment
Management system
Environmental and energy topics are firmly established within the management system and play a major role in our organisation. Important procedures are defined to improve our environmental and energy performance indicators. For example, we were able to have our environmental management system certified to DIN EN ISO 14001 back in 2004. The effectiveness of our energy management system was confirmed by certification to DIN EN ISO 50001 in 2013.

Energy and climate protection
The subject of energy has evolved into one of the most important topics of our time and is also of great significance for us. Companies that usetheir energy resources efficiently and responsibly will not only be able to cut costs but also to reduce their environmental impact. Therefore, Agrarfrost has implemented the following measures:
Reduction of emissions
In our production we continuously work on improvements that
- reduce the emission of carbon dioxide,
- reduce energy consumption,
- reduce water consumption,
- minimise noise pollution and
- bring about material savings.
At our own power plant we generate electricity that contributes to our power supply. A steam boiler utilises the resulting waste heat. The advantage of this is that the steam required for our production does not have to be produced through an energy-intensive process, which reduces our emission of carbon dioxide by about 50%.
In addition, our central cooling plant is one of the most sophisticated cooling plants in Europe, which facilitates:
- optimised process flows
- considerable reduction in emissions
- large quantities of water savings.