Quality made in Germany
100% potato enjoyment for over 50 years
For over 50 years, the Agrarfrost quality guarantee has stood for 100 % POTATO ENJOYMENT
„MADE IN GERMANY“. In maintaining this guarantee, the decisive success factor has been our concept of integrated agriculture: the potatoes used for Agrarfrost products are sourced from our sustainable German cultivation areas and gently processed in our own German-based refining centres. From seed breeding to potato growing and harvesting to the delivery of the finished product, we monitor the entire production process.
This is reflected by our FIRM COMMITMENT TO OUR GERMAN-BASED MANUFACTURING SITES, and demonstrates the quality guarantee that we live each and every day.
Within the scope of a unique, integrated potato-growing system, the entire process chain at Agrarfrost comes from a single source: from the breeding of the seed potato, propagation, planting, growth, harvesting and storage to the manufacture of branded products.
The company decides when, where, how and which variety will be grown, depending on weather conditions, the customer's requirements and the needs of the production. To satisfy all these requirements a basis is established by sophisticated, meticulously planned farming. This crop-growing support plays a major role in achieving the excellent Agrarfrost quality.
Throughout the entire cultivation and harvesting process the contract farmers have direct contact with one of the crop consultants from Agrarfrost. With its contract farmers Agrarfrost has agreed on a five-year crop rotation. As a result, excellent quality can be guaranteed whilst the procedure conserves natural resources and avoids diseases. In the winter prior to growing, each area is examined to make sure it is suitable. Here too the company's own agricultural engineers play an active role.
Nothing is left to chance, not even fertilisation. It is preceded by the taking of soil samples, to check nutrient content and hence the nutrient requirement. Plant analyses are used to determine current nutrient supply. Based on all this data the crop consultants determine the amounts of fertiliser and the application dates, thereby avoiding over-fertilisation. Field work is also subject to constant monitoring. This means we can process top-quality fresh raw materials to make excellent fresh frozen end products the whole year round!
Carefully selected cultivation areas
Agrarfrost has its own growing areas round its production sites. The cultivation areas are selected very carefully. Only the best cultivation areas in Germany with the most mineral nutrients are considered. After all, both taste and quality can vary according to the climate and the quality of the soil. This way we can offer you unique and premium quality.

German cultivation
In our own growing areas covering over 4.000 hectares we cooperate with over 100 contract farmers, who are committed to the strict Agrarfrost quality system. Most of their growing areas are close to the processing plants in Aldrup and Oschersleben, which ensures shorter transport distances and thus relieves the environment. When it comes to potato seed we only select the most suitable varieties with the best properties because at Agrarfrost everything comes from a single source: from self-grown, top-quality seed potatoes to the delivery of the finished products. This is how we ensure real Quality Made in Germany.

Food-Made in Germany e. V. (FMIG) was founded in May 2009 on the initiative of medium-sized companies in the German food industry. The association supports the international food trade.
We offer all food exporting companies expertise and contacts in their international pursuit to expand into foreign countries. FMIG sees itself as a cross-sector, entrepreneurial initiative and a central point of contact for export issues, especially for small and medium-sized food exporters.
The association represents the external interests of its members in the areas of sales and export promotions. We assist our members where ever possible in issues relating to export promotions and export subsidies.
The close affiliation with our supporting members and with the many agricultural marketing organizations of the federal states help us stay in very close contact with virtually all food manufacturers in Germany. We reach over 1,500 companies in the industry via our network. We are committed to service that builds trust and partnerships that create success. With our members and with our international target audiences abroad.