Our Corporate Culture

We are Agrarfrost

Our vision:

Passion for potatoes 

Our mission:

Providing fun and enjoyment for our customers around the world

Our corporate philosophy:

These statements document our core values to ensure our independence and competitiveness as a family business, and to reinforce our sustainable profitability.

The "WE" is the key to our success

Working together makes us better – we develop solutions collectively and systematically. The mind-set and qualifications of our employees are key components of our corporate culture and success.

WE inspire our customers

For us, the customer always comes first. We are driven by the desire to maximise customer satisfaction – and we fulfil our customers’ wishes with a high degree of flexibility.

WE deliver premium quality

From raw materials through the handling and service processes all the way to the final product, we strive to maintain high quality standards. Our products are the best in their respective segments.

WE are a strong partner

We maintain close ties with our customers, suppliers and service providers. Together, we continue to grow through our established, reliable and trustworthy cooperation.

WE are one step ahead

Our processes, products, and technologies are innovative – we are not afraid of change, we think outside of the box, and we continually search for the best possible solutions.

WE are a role model

We identify with our tasks and goals and have a strong sense of commitment to our company. We treat one another with respect. We provide the information required to create transparency and support each other in the process.

WE are aware of our responsibility

We respect the natural environment and are proud of our roots. We have a strong tradition of sustainable action that stems from our agricultural heritage. Consequently, the careful use of resources is second nature to us.

Our code of conduct:

WE act in line with our code of conduct that builds on our corporate philosophy and outlines the fundamental principles and standards to guide our actions.